Most of the contents of these lists were compiled by Diane Cruickshank of Fraser Valley University Library. She has granted us permission to use them. Thank you!
Nootka heritage
Mohawk heritage
Okanagan heritage
Tsimshian heritage
Salish heritage
Shuswap heritage
Cherokee / Greek heritage
Cree heritage
Dakota (Dakhóta) people
Dogrib (Tlicho) heritage
Haida / Heiltsuk heritage
Innu/Montagnais Indians heritage
Kiowa people/ Plains heritage
Metis / Cree heritage
Metis / Russian heritage
Metis / Plains heritage
Metis / Salish heritage
Metis heritage
Literatures, Communities, and Learning: Conversations with Indigenous Writers by Aubrey Jean Hanson
Stories of Métis Women: Tales My Kookum Told Me by Oster Bailey
Mohawk heritage
Oji Cree heritage
Ojibwa heritage
Okanagan heritage
Panawahpskek (Penobscot) heritage
Salish heritage
Sicangu Lakota nation heritage
Search using keywords. You'll find books, DVDs and online resources like e-books and streaming video.
To find resources on this topic, we suggest you first try typing into the search box the following terms:
If you are having trouble finding any resources using these search words, you can try using more outdated terminology or you can ask us to search for you. For example, two subject terms used frequently in our Library catalogue are Native Peoples Canada and Indians of North America. These terms are commonly used in academic libraries, even though they don't accurately reflect the current language used to describe Indigenous people in Canada today. This terminology is disrespectful and hurtful. We sincerely apologize for any pain this may cause. We are currently working towards changing this aspect of the library system. Unfortunately these changes can take time and we appreciate your patience and understanding. The good news is that our newer resources are all using the more representative and respectful subject term Indigenous Peoples.
Content by Vancouver Community College Library is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License