For all designers who use color. Color forecasting organization holding extensive color archives, trend information, custom color consulting and publications.
A not-for-profit trade association representing footwear manufacturers from around the world and are prominent members of the New York fashion community.
Promoting the highest quality of workmanship and business practices to contribute to the viability of our domestic garment and sewn products manufacturing industry, as well as to enhance its reputation.
A professional, educational association composed of scholars, educators, and students in the textile, apparel, and merchandising disciplines in higher education.
The largest global marketplace for contemporary men’s and women’s apparel, footwear, accessories and sourcing resources — and the world’s most comprehensive forum for fashion buyers and brands.
This is an industry association for suppliers to the sewn products industry that includes apparel, upholstered furniture, home textiles, transportation interiors, leather goods, footwear, and industrial textiles.