Education Data Links for the province of BC. Includes information from the BC College & Institute Student Outcomes Survey; K-12; Advanced Education; and the University president’s Council.
A collaborative project of post-secondary BC institutions for providing an central online access point to online and distance learning courses, programs, registration and resources.
Check the transferability of courses among all BC public and some private post-secondary institutions. Yukon College is also included. The Studying Adult Education in BC Website has moved to the to the B.C. Council on Articulation and Transfer (BCCAT).
Provides high quality education for Kindergarten to Grade 12 children so they can develop their individual potential and acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes to contribute to society.
Truly one-of-a-kind, the Homeroom provides detailed timelines and history of BC schools, curriculum, legislation and teacher training. Content includes scans of old textbooks and readers, and sound files of early school radio broadcasts. The site is a work in progress, with new material being added continuously.
The Industry Training Authority (ITA) is a provincial government agency, which became operative in early 2004, with legislated responsibility to govern and develop the industry training system in B.C.
Job Futures is a career tool that provides useful information about 226 occupational groups and describes the work experiences of recent graduates from 155 programs of study in Canada. It is published by the Government of Canada.
The thematic review on adult learning discusses adults’ access and participation in education and training and to enhance policies and approaches to increase incentives for adults to undertake learning activities in Canada. Published by the OECD.