Articles databases are a critical resource for academic research. They are the primary way of finding full-text scholarly journal articles.
These online articles databases will be the most useful for research on Education. You can also see the complete list of VCC's databases, covering a wide range of subjects. Use the online databases to search for articles in magazines, journals and newspapers.
The articles you find will either be in full-text (read them online), or a citation (bibliographic information). If only the citation is available, click on the "Where Can I Get This Link?" that will display in the summary of the article; this will allow you to request the article from another academic library through our Interlibrary Loans service.
Use your VCC Login (Your student ID number) and Password (usually your birthday in MMDDYY format) to connect from home. For help, go to the Connect from Home link.
If you need a book, journal article or video for your assignments that isn't available at VCC Library, we will try to get it from another library through our free Interlibrary Loan service (ILL).
Books usually arrive in less than 10 days. Journal articles usually take 1-3 working days. (Distance learners, it will usually take longer, as we have to ship the material to you).
Please see Get It From Other Libraries (ILL) for the online request forms and additional information.
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