WowJobs search results page for diesel mechanic (BC). It's possible to filter jobs by company, etc. ... This site is good for suggesting variations of your search terms (look at the "Job Titles" filter on the left side of the results list).
You'll find results for Canadian jobs for the search term "heavy duty mechanic apprentice" here. If you're wanting to check out U.S. possibilities, go to and try some search terms there. Here are some U.S. results for the same search on the American site. ... There are a few jobs (Canadian and overseas) for mechanics here. There are a couple of interesting things about this website, namely, that you can filter for individual countries and you can see what consulting firms are "headhunting" for jobs. Once you know the name of the consulting firm, it may be worth your while to do a Google search for the firm and then check out that company's website directly. Some of them encourage you to register for jobs.For example, a British firm named Thomas M Consulting is listed in some of the Australia jobs ... a Google search will lead you to their website ( Lesson to be learned: Play "detective" and mine webites for further leads!
Some ideas from Bill ... not exhaustive, but a start:
WARNING! Online risks: Always BE CAREFUL when considering posting or uploading your resume to an online employment website (i.e., jobs aggregator). Resumes contain personal information that could potentially be circulated. In the worst case, your personal information could even potentially be used to perpetrate identity theft.
Search "heavy duty apprentice" ... click the WOW results page to view postings or try a different search.
This site has videos and other features for some select companies, such as Praxair, Estes Express Lines, etc. They also have a few links to these companies, some of which post jobs in the U.S. and Canada.
This is a staffing company that features U.S. jobs. They are a kind of "temp agency" for diesel and engine technicias. When you work for TransTechs, you are actually serving companies who have outsourced their labour needs to TransTechs (find out more about this here). Their website has a fairly simple to use "resume builder" that also serves as an application form. Alternatively, you can upload your own resume for specific jobs.
Here are some Workopolis (Canadian) results for "heavy duty mechanic apprentice."
More Canadian "heavy duty mechanic" jobs ...
Here are some Workoplis (Canadian) results for "heavy duty mechanic apprentice"
More Canadian "heavy duty mechanic" jobs ...
Selected organizations that hire heavy duty mechanics:
BC Hydro Vehicle Tradesperson (Truck & Transport Mechanic) ... "Learn to maintain, inspect, repair, and modify B.C. Hydro vehicles ..." etc.
Here are a few more:
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