Chemical database is a dictionary of over 400,000 chemicals (names, synonyms, and structures). ChemIDplus includes links to NLM and other databases and resources, including links to federal, state and international agencies.
Prep 101's MCAT Chemistry FORMULA SHEET, good for Chem 12/UT Chem. Contains acid-base equilibria, kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, etc. [PDF]
Univ of Calgary site that introduces basic organic nomenclature and functional groups with great 3D molecular images and practice questions to test and expand your knowledge.
This open database maintained by the National Institutes of Health contains information on “chemical structures, identifiers, chemical and physical properties, biological activities, patents, health, safety, toxicity data, and many others”.
This is a 52-part telecourse filmed in 1985 at the California Institute of Technology, and produced by Caltech and INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications (a non-profit consortium of California community colleges). The series introduces university level physics, covering topics from Copernicus to quantum mechanics.
Non-profit organization dedicated to "providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere." The materials and resources on the website are available free of charge. There are over 3,100 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history, with hundreds of skills to practice.
Science Daily is an American news website for topical science articles. It features articles on a wide variety of science topics including: astronomy, exoplanets, computer science, nanotechnology, medicine, psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology, geology, climate, space, physics, mathematics, chemistry, archeology, paleontology, and others.
Practical guidance on how to write case study reports, lab reports and reflective essays. Each guide designed by writing experts who work with students on a daily basis.